In Enin, data objects are called entities, and each has a unique ID (UUID). For example, the country Norway has the UUID c21d1ebf-96b7-4eef-97c4-d9867aa41a0e
, and the Enin company's UUID is f0e01f1e-f977-429f-ac12-0f0418901bfe
. Entities can be connected to each other. For instance, a CompanyEntity can be connected to a location through a CompanyGeoLocationEntity. This setup helps get very specific information, but it might mean making a lot of requests to get all the data you need.
Composites make it easier by combining related entities into one. So, instead of fetching companies, their roles, and people separately, you can get everything in one go with something like a company-role composite. Each composite focuses on a main entity and might have extra details to show what's included.
A composite collection is a list of these composites, allowing you to get chunks of data bit by bit, which helps manage the load.
elements: [],
count: number,
has_more: boolean,
Every entity in Enin has a unique ID. We use UUID's (A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) ) for identifying data. But sometimes, using another ID like a company's registration number or a person's national ID number makes things easier.
For example, to get basic info about a company, you can use the company/<company_identifier> endpoint. Here, the identifier can be either Enin's UUID or the company's registration number, starting with "NO".
You can often specify the filter by the URI fragments (/company/NO917540640), but we often offer a bigger range of query parameters as filters (company-role?company_identifier=1234). Look at the swagger documentation to see what filters are available.
{company_identifier} can be a company uuid, or the organization number prefixed with country code. E.g: NO917540640
For all endpoints, see and log in with basic auth.
Gives you risk score for a company, with risk status, such as bankrupt, liquidated and so on.
Add NK-role-keys: credit_check to get payment remarks (If you have access to payment remarks)
GET /v1/company/{company_identifier}/company-credit-risk-composite
"company_credit_risk": {
"company_uuid": "f0e01f1e-f977-429f-ac12-0f0418901bfe",
"risk_score": 0.00571266672614014,
"risk_class": "medium", <- Goes from very low to very high
"has_company_risk_status": false,
"company_risk_statuses": [],
"company_risk_status_history": []
"company_payment_remarks": [],
"company": {
"uuid": "f0e01f1e-f977-429f-ac12-0f0418901bfe",
"name": "ENIN AS",
"org_nr": "917540640",
"org_nr_schema": "NO",
"app_url": null
Gives you current active company flags for a company.
GET /v1/company/{company_identifier}/company-flag-composite
"uuid": "string",
"company": {
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"org_nr": "string",
"org_nr_schema": "string",
"app_url": "string"
"company_flag": {
"uuid": "string",
"company_uuid": "string",
"company_flag_type_uuid": "string",
"flag_date": "2024-04-09T11:21:53.691Z",
"flag_context": {},
"flag_url": "string",
"flag_end_date": "2024-04-09T11:21:53.691Z",
"app_url": "string"
"company_flag_type": {
"uuid": "string",
"company_flag_type_key": "string", <- Examples: negative_total_equity, recent_high_risk_event
"company_flag_type_description": "string",
"app_hidden_flag": true,
"default_lookback_days": 0,
"flag_rank": 0,
"app_feature_uuid": "string",
"app_role_uuid": "string",
"persist_flag": true,
"app_icon_uuid": "string",
"default_flag_end_days": 0,
"app_url": "string"
"app_url": "string"
Gives you changes to company employments over time.
GET /v1/company/{company_identifier}/company-employment
"uuid": "39c70b90-f8aa-4838-8f28-5106fdb1241a",
"company_uuid": "f0e01f1e-f977-429f-ac12-0f0418901bfe",
"employee_count": 0,
"employee_date": null,
"from_date": "2018-04-29T00:00:00",
"to_date": "2018-06-17T00:00:00",
"employee_count_from": 0,
"employee_count_to": 0,
"uuid": "1c2e78f7-965f-46d1-85f3-dec25e451527",
"company_uuid": "f0e01f1e-f977-429f-ac12-0f0418901bfe",
"employee_count": 3,
"employee_date": null,
"from_date": "2018-06-17T00:00:00",
"to_date": "2018-09-23T00:00:00",
"employee_count_from": 3,
"employee_count_to": 3,
Gives you a list of all auditor notes for a company.
"accounts": {
"uuid": "string",
"company_uuid": "string",
"accounting_year": 0,
"accounting_announcement_date": "2024-04-09T11:36:41.091Z",
"accounting_schema": "string",
"accounting_from_date": "2024-04-09T11:36:41.091Z",
"accounting_to_date": "2024-04-09T11:36:41.091Z",
"corporate_group_accounts_flag": true,
"accounts_type_uuid": "string",
"estimated_accounting_period_flag": true,
"app_url": "string"
"accounts_type": {
"uuid": "string",
"accounts_type_key": "annual_company_accounts",
"app_url": "string"
"accounts_auditor_note": {
"uuid": "string",
"accounts_uuid": "string",
"auditor_note": "string",
"accounts_auditor_note_type_uuid": "string",
"accounting_year": 0,
"app_url": "string"
"accounts_auditor_note_type": {
"uuid": "string",
"accounts_auditor_note_type_key": "string",
"description": "string",
"app_url": "string"
Gives you all accounts for a company. You can also specify accounting_years and accounts_type_identifier. See swagger doc for more details.
"accounts": {
"uuid": "string",
"company_uuid": "string",
"accounting_year": 0,
"accounting_announcement_date": "2024-04-09T11:30:59.300Z",
"accounting_schema": "string",
"accounting_from_date": "2024-04-09T11:30:59.300Z",
"accounting_to_date": "2024-04-09T11:30:59.300Z",
"corporate_group_accounts_flag": true,
"accounts_type_uuid": "string",
"estimated_accounting_period_flag": true,
"app_url": "string"
"accounts_highlights": {
"uuid": "string",
"accounts_uuid": "string",
... collapsed
"accounting_year": 0,
"company_uuid": "string",
"accounts_type_uuid": "string",
"app_url": "string"
"accounts_income_statement": {
"uuid": "string",
"accounts_uuid": "string",
"currency_code": "string",
... collapsed
"company_uuid": "string",
"accounts_type_uuid": "string",
"app_url": "string"
"accounts_balance_sheet": {
"uuid": "string",
"accounts_uuid": "string",
"currency_code": "string",
... collapsed
"accounting_year": 0,
"company_uuid": "string",
"accounts_type_uuid": "string",
"app_url": "string"
"company": {
"uuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"org_nr": "string",
"org_nr_schema": "string",
"app_url": "string"
"accounts_type": {
"uuid": "string",
"accounts_type_key": "annual_company_accounts",
"app_url": "string"